Congratulations to our 2nd class students who made their First Holy Communion today, May 11th in St. Patrick’s Church. They have put in a lot of work over the past few weeks preparing for this special occasion and we hope…

Congratulations to our 2nd class students who made their First Holy Communion today, May 11th in St. Patrick’s Church. They have put in a lot of work over the past few weeks preparing for this special occasion and we hope…
Lately we have really been enjoying reading some new novels. We have read Flat Stanley, The Yuckee Prince and The owl who was afraid of the dark. We wrote book reviews describing the novels and to let everyone know what…
Spring has most definitely arrived in Mrs. Kelly’s class. During the week we had gone on a buddy walk with Mr. Daly’s class so check for signs of Spring. We used this walk as inspiration for some of the lovely…
We have been learning about symmetry in our maths lessons so we decided to add it to our art lesson. We got pictures with only one side drawn on it and we have to draw the other side. It’s not…
We have been learning about the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. He is known for being part of the Cubism movement. We found out that his father began teaching him art at the age of 7. Did you know that he…
We had to leave this post until the last minute because we know some lucky families will be getting these as presents this Christmas and we didn’t want to ruin the surprise. The boys carefully designed, shaped, painted and decorated…
In our ‘Grumpy Teaspoon’ reader we found a recipe for crispy buns. We couldn’t wait to try it out. First we had to melt some chocolate. Next we had to sprinkle in some rice krispies and give it a really…
Autumn arrived and brought a blast of colour to our classroom. We have been so busy researching and putting together amazing projects about our native animals. These projects are packed full of fascinating facts about bats, squirrels, foxes, badgers and…